From Saltsjöbaden we went towards the south and Nynäshamn that is located in the southern end of the Stockholm archipelago. The weather was nice and we sailed pass the Dalarö until the wind changed from broad reach into closed hauled. After the few tacks in Mysingen bay the wind decreased during the afternoon and we run the rest of the trip with the iron genny.

Finnish flag in Suwena's mizzen
Finnish flag in Suwena’s mizzen

We arrived to Nynäshamn in a really nice weather and the mooring was quick. It felt good to moor next to the other yacht from our home city Oulu. Suwena and Zana were moored on outside dock and the weather forecast was good as well.

On Sunday morning as we were just having a quiet morning coffee the wind raised suddenly. Our bow was in mooring buoy and the stern lines were made fast to the dock. Of course the wind was blowing from only possible open direction and made us exposed to the swell. The wind from north blew with over 13 m/s. The swell was so high that the waves passed over the floating dock.

Andrus had just went to help Zana because the wind broke their mooring hook. When he returned to Suwena our yacht were in strange angle towards the dock. One of our stern lines were broken. Even if it had a snubber, the line was broken about a meter from the shock absorber. Andrus was lucky that the boat made quite a large movements and it was possible to jump onboard.

Broken mooring line in Nynäshamn
Broken mooring line in Nynäshamn

Then things started to move fast. We were in hurry to get her out and move into the more protected inner harbour.

Andrus just pushed a knife to my hand and said that: “If the mooring hook does not come off on the first try just cut the line”. But under the threat from the knife the buoy was released nicely and we found a more protected place for Suwena.

Suwena in Nynäshamn
Suwena in Nynäshamn

The marina personnel run quickly to help any boat needing the assistance immediately after the wind increased. They helped the yachts in outer harbour to move to more safe places. Our hearts were really warmed about their skilled work.

The wind blew totally out in two hours and the swell eased as well. Anyhow there was a plenty of rain for the complete duration of our visit to Nynäshamn. Because of the rain our exploration of the city was limited. On the other hand it was nice to get to know the crew of Zana, Olli and Taina. It looks we have many common friends in Oulu. We exchanged the sailing experiences and had a lot to talk.

Olli and Taina in Zana yacht in Nynäshamn
Olli and Taina in Zana yacht in Nynäshamn

On Monday we prepared to the next leg that will be our first overnight sail.

Broken mooring line 18.6. – 20.6.

2 thoughts on “Broken mooring line 18.6. – 20.6.

  • June 24, 2011 at 10:07

    Hyvää Juhannusta!
    Hyvää Juhannusta! Olette vissiin jo Visbyssä. Miten meni ensimmäinen yön yli purjehdus?

    t. Sirpa ja Matti

    • June 25, 2011 at 10:34

      Juhannusta Visbystä
      Hyvää Juhannuspäivää tuulisesta Visbystä. Yöpurjehdus on onnellisesti takana ja eilen koristeltiin Visbyn juhannussalkoa, joten jälleen on blakkarissa uusi kokemus.

      Hetken kuluttua lähdemme Gotlannin saarikierrokselle vuokra-autolla. Jospa saamme sieltä upeita kuvia tänne blogiinkin.

      Mukavaa Juhannusta teille Sipe ja Matti ja tokimyös kaikille blogimme lukijoille!


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