The boating gives wonderful experiences and great memories. We have absolutely great experiences from the traditional harvest festival of Gulf of Bothnia in Röyttä island.
We’ve participated in this party already four times. First time we were only hanging around and thinking if we could really be interested in boating. During two past seasons we sailed there by our Skorgenes Suwena. Last summer we made a day trip from Ii’s Praava harbour to Röyttä island by our dinghy.
Röyttä is located 22 nautical miles north of Oulu city. It is a northern island with bright nights, because the Arctic Circle is only at the distance of 75 nautical miles. Despite of its polar location there are a lot of sunshine in the summer that everybody can enjoy.
On the island nearly every Oulu area yacht club has own club house. During the summer weekends the saunas in the club houses are heated up and of course during the Harvest Festival all places are in full usage as well. There are plenty of boaters visiting Röyttä island throughout the season starting from the breaking up of ice until it is time to raise the boats for winter storage.
Waiting for next summer here is a short report flash from the last summer’s Harvest Festival.